Zimba – New World DBA Army List

Zimba (1494-1590) army list for New World DBA, my New World variant of DBA. Based on DBR III/8. The Zimba were of several east African pagan peoples, the Zimba were cannibals first encountered by Europeans as they emerged from the African interior and attacked the coastal inhabitants. Zimba warriors carried bows, poisoned arrows and fire-hardened wooden spears and small wooden shields. They captured Mombsa in alliance with the Portuguese in 1589, but were destroyed by the Segeju in 1590.

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West African Forest People – New World DBA Army List

West African Forest Peoples (1494-1700) army list for New World DBA, my New World variant of DBA. Based on DBR III/7. Covers the Kingdoms of Ashanti, Yoruba, Benin, Ngola, Kongo (Christian from 1490), Dahomey from1600, and the Jaga (Cannibal). The west Africans favoured ambushes from their native woods, leading Europeans to a unfavourable assessment of their warlike spirit. The most common equipment were javelins, short sword, and a large light shield. After 1658 cheap flintlocks called “Dane guns” were used for skirmishing. Kongo armies, being Christian, carried flags emblazoned with crosses. Dahomey fielded amazons. The Jaga attacked Kongo in 1568-73 and were then defeated by the Portuguese. Kongo fell to the Portuguese in 1665.

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Monomotapa – New World DBA Army List

Monomotapa (1494-1700) army list for New World DBA, my New World variant of DBA. Based on DBR III/8. One of several east African pagan peoples, the Momomotapa Kingdom was in the area of modern Zimbabwe. Of the Shona they were warlike, great traders, and built large stone city complexes. The warriors had spears or bows with iron arrowheads. Nobles wore skins with long tails and gold decorated wooden scabbards. The Momomotapa had a variety of vassal states. Some of the vassal states fell to Portuguese adventurers.

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