Brett Simpson on making bamboo groves

Following Brett Simpson’s last post on the pacific war I asked him, how do you make your bamboo groves? I think the bamboo is a key part of the look of Brett’s table and, well, I want to copy them. Here is what he said.

Making Bamboo groves

You are most welcome.

The bamboo groves were quite easy to do. I just cut up some of the aquarium plant mats that I purchased some time ago on EBay. There are two types, and these form the undergrowth. The plants themselves are removable in the same way as the fairy garden plants, so I mixed the two types of plant on each section to make it look more wild.

BS2A-11 aquarium plant mats
BS2A-11 aquarium plant mats

The bamboo itself was cheap single lengths. I got it from EBay quite some time ago, but I can’t remember the supplier. Each individual length is 9 cm long if that helps.

BS2A-12 bamboo and aquarium plant mats
BS2A-12 bamboo and aquarium plant mats

I just insert them directly into the undergrowth and remove them for easy storage when I pack up the table. The undergrowth holds the bamboo in place quite well.

BS2A-13 assembled bamboo grove
BS2A-13 assembled bamboo grove

Bamboo groves on table

And some shots from the previous game where you can see bamboo groves on table

BS2A-05 Japanese HQ
BS2A-05 Japanese HQ
BS2A-08 The IJA close assault the AIF 2nd Platoon
BS2A-08 The IJA close assault the AIF 2nd Platoon
BS2A-06 AIF 2nd Platoon and Captured 75mm Battalion Gun
BS2A-06 AIF 2nd Platoon and Captured 75mm Battalion Gun

8 thoughts on “Brett Simpson on making bamboo groves”

  1. Hi Bred and Thomas,

    First ; thank you Bred for your response to my last post.

    Concerning the bamboo grove making, this article is very interesting since I have bought some to a chinese company and have not yet put them on bases.

    You should find the chinese cie name and a lot more ideas by consulting TMP bamboo grove . This os where i found the idea.

    I recommand you the web site Storm of Steel for the 6 battles played about the Malaya campaign ( Rapid Fire ones).

    Have a good time playing your minies.

    Regards !

  2. Hi Jean-Michele,
    I’m not sure how they should best be treated, but we treat the bamboo sections in our games using the same rules as bocage. I hope that helps.

    • Sory, i saw your message just today. Yes it is. Those scenarios are an interesting campaign idea. They managed to decide me to play this theatre which is rather special for a french man !


  3. My plastic bamboo and aquarium plants finally arrived. So I can have a go at bamboo groves. I’m still debating whether bamboo should be bocage or impenetrable woods. Perhaps either/both depending on the scenario.


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