A frequent suggestion for Macs Missions v2 is to give the attackers more troops. In v2 both sides get the same order of battle. Attackers have to capture enemy territory and are likely to take losses in the attempt. In compensation they get bonus victory points for achieving their more challenging mission. In the new version of Mac Missions (v3) both sides get the option of reinforcements but taking reinforcements makes victory harder. Or, put another way, taking more troops offsets any victory point bonus.
Reinforcements rules
Pre-game, and at the start of any friendly initiative, players can call for reinforcements. Record the Reinforcement Points (RP) selected.
Reinforcements are always chosen secretly. They are revealed in the normal way, when they move or shoot.
Hidden reinforcements must be selected before the game. Hidden reinforcements are deployed hidden on table with the main force. Snipers are a good example – they are always hidden.
Other reinforcements arrive in the next friendly initiative. The “next friendly initiative” is the first friendly initiative if the reinforcements were selected pre-game. Off-table reinforcements arrive on table as a move action. Platoons arrive as a group move.
You can choose any number of reinforcements (RP). You don’t have to choose the same RP as the victory point bonus of the mission; it can be more or less. However, the RP are used in the victory conditions. Actually RP reduce victory points. The more reinforcements you call in, the less victory points you can earn.

Changes from v2
I have edited the rules for Macs Mission, but most of these are to keep it on one page. There were also a few changes to increase clarity.
The substantive rule changes are related to reinforcements:
8. Pre-game (Step 5), and at the start of any friendly initiative, a player can call for reinforcements. Select the reinforcements secretly and record the points. Reinforcements arrive in the next friendly initiative. Platoons arrive via group move action; others by normal move action.
10. At the end of the game each side is awarded victory points for the value of troops (including hidden modifier) that meet the victory conditions of their mission. A victory point adjustment is added to the total reflecting the mission difficulty. Subtract point value of reinforcements called.
Example Reinforcements
I have prepared options for both Soviets and Germans to match the Victory Point bonus for each of the missions, i.e. 0, 2, 5, 7, 10, 20.

Revised Orders of Battle
I took the liberty to update the orders of battle for example Soviets and Germans. Nothing major, mostly related to ATR amongst the Germans.

Download Mac’s Missions v3
Click the link to Download Mac’s Missions v3 as a PDF
Could the orders of battle and reinforcement charts also be made to British, Japan and USA forces?
That is, of course, possible. At the time I only had Soviet and German forces. I’ll add this to my To Do list.
As I’ve become inspired by the CF Pacific articles I’m wondering if the OOB’s and Reinforcement Charts have been created?
The answer is “not yet”. I am working on US and British for Europe and they might cross over. My Japanese are on the painting blocks as we message, so I’ll have an incentive to head east myself.
Which ones were you looking for specifically?
I’m currently focussed on Japanese & Commonwealth forces for 1941 -3, (Malaya, Burma, Papua). In the next couple of weeks we will be using Brett Simpson’s scenario “Dig in and Wait” for our first CF game.
“Mac’s Missions” look like a very handy way to generate future scenarios quickly, but with a connected narrative.
okay. I’m already working on Commonwealth. If I get a moment I’ll have a look at Japanese.
Thanks Steven,
much appreciated and looking forward to them!