This section contains general information about how the Israeli armed forces have been organised over time.
Arab-Israeli Wars
There have been seven Arab-Israeli Wars so far (1948 to now), plus innumerable military operations and two Palestinian uprisings. Terrorism, infiltration and insurgency, and the relevant counter-measures, have also been a key component of the Arab-Israeli conflict. I’ve included the Lebanese Civil War because it is the back drop for the events in 1978 and 1982. Most of my material is on 1948.
Sub-categories: 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and Lebanon.
Infiltration, Insurgency and Counter Measures in the Arab-Israeli Wars
Infiltration of national borders has been a component of the Arab-Israeli conflict, for example, during 1949-53 the Arabs organised over 3,000 infiltrations and in 1949-56 over two hundred Israelis were killed by mistanenim. The general name for this conflict is the Terrorist War, however, the War of Attrition (1968-70) also saw many infiltrations. I have grouped them together as the military operations were very similar.
Scenario Ideas for the 1948 Arab-Israeli War
Scenario ideas for my Arab-Israeli Crossfire set in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. At some point I might turn them into proper scenarios. For the moment they are literally just ideas.
Crossfire House Rules for the Arab-Israeli Wars
I’ve started compiling some Crossfire amendments for refighting the Arab-Israeli conflicts. I’ve also started putting together scenarios – particularly for 1948-49.
Datasheets for Arab-Israeli Crossfire
Data sheets for my Arab-Israeli Crossfire.
Bits n Bobs on the 1973 Arab-Israeli War
Some bits n bobs for the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. Variously called Yom Kippur War, October War, War of Atonement, and The Great Crossing. A work in progress …
Jordanian Order of Battle in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War
Jordanian order of battle for the 1967 Arab-Israeli War.
Timeline for the 1956 Arab-Israeli War
Timeline for the 1956 Arab-Israeli War. Based primarily on Dayan (1965).
Israeli Order of Battle in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War
Israeli order of battle for the 1967 Arab-Israeli War.
Ideas for Wargaming Scenarios in 1956 Arab-Israeli War
Here is a list of possible wargaming scenarios for the 1956 Arab-Israeli War. I haven’t fully developed them, these are just my notes until I can get back to them. My interest is in company level infantry actions and this affects the kind of actions I’m interested in.
Egyptian Order of Battle in the 1956 Arab-Israeli War
During the 1956 Arab-Israeli War the Egyptian army might have been big and well equipped but it was a bit of a mess. The Egyptian troops were poorly trained and led, and had little incentive to fight. Motivation was low as the Egyptians used conscription but didn’t pay any allowances to the family if a soldier was killed or incapacitated. Possibly worse still the predominantly upper class Egyptian Officers considered it beneath them to train their men. Finally communication between the field and HQ was poor. Field commanders invented successes and/or exaggerated enemy numbers, and then ignored orders from above as they knew these orders were based on fabricated reports like their own.
Israeli Order of Battle in the 1956 Arab-Israeli War
Up to and including the 1956 Arab-Israeli War the IDF was a predominantly infantry based organisation. Israel’s armour focus only came after the Moshe Dayan (IDF Chief-of-Staff) saw how effective armour operations could be during Operation Kadesh. The plan for the Sinai Campaign was to have the armour in infantry support roles; as it turned out they did some nifty blitzkrieg type attacks.
Timeline of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War
Timeline for the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.