One winter’s evening in London I was loading my car with Crossfire kit to take to a club game. It was getting dark and just starting to rain. That was, of course, just the moment I dropped my box of 15mm tanks on the pavement. Over the next 30 minutes I was on hands and knees in the rain and dark trying to find the precious panzers. Luckily I managed to recover all of the vehicles but some received irreparable damage.
I never want to repeat that experience so, at the next show I went to, I picked up a case from Figures in Comfort.
I got their THE MINI FIGURE CASE [FIC_MINI]. Quite a modest size but it can pack a surprising quantity of 15mm armour.
The approximate dimensions of the case are:-
Wide = 175mm, High = 280mm, Long = 370mm
Officially this case fits 4 single depth foam trays but with the encouragement of the then owner of Figures in Comfort I squeeze five trays in.
Tray with 5×5 array of 55x40mm slots
I got four trays that nominally are for storing Flames of War infantry – code FOAM TRAY #11 – (FLAMES OF WAR INFANTRY) [FIC-TRAY-11]. When I checked their website this item was mislabelled as “25 cut-outs, 40mm by 45mm”. When I queried the current owner confirmed this was a typo and they are 40mm x 55mm like the ones I have.
1 tray with 5×5 array of 55x40mm slots 35mm deep
3 trays with 5×5 array of 55x40mm slots 30mm deep
The official depths on their website are: a = 35mm, b = 50mm, c = 70mm, d = 105mm. I measured the trays I’ve got and three of them are 30mm deep. I don’t know if that is because they’ve changed what they sell or because I actually got 35mm and squeezing five trays into a case designed for four means they compacted.
I’ve hacked one of the trays around to cope with bigger vehicles. Mostly Soviet KV-1s and assault guns.
And because the bigger vehicles exceed 35mm in height I use an empty tray, inverted, over the top. This is a bit of a waste and when I get around to it I’ll replace this arrangement with a 50mm deep tray.
Tray with 4×9 array of 25x50mm slots
The 40x55mm slots are great for most vehicles but too big for the smaller ones, i.e. early war tanks and armoured cars. For those I got a tray with smaller slots. Ironically this tray is nominally for 25/28mm figures. I use it for armour.
1 tray with 4×9 array of 25x50mm slots 35mm deep