See also the painting guides for Spanish, Numidians, Gauls, Ligurians and Italians.

Carthaginian Generals
Libyphoenician Cavalry

Libyphoenician Cavalry
African Spearmen

African Spearmen

African Spearmen in Line

African Veteran Spearmen
Carthaginian Citizen Spearmen

Carthaginian Citizens
Carthaginian Elephants

Carthaginian Elephants

Carthaginian Elephants
Libyan Javelinmen
The Libyan skirmishers wore red tunics apparently. They should have animal skin shields like the Numidians but Essex supply the Libyans with Greek hoplon shields and I painted them accordingly. In hindsight I should have ignored the rim on the shields and painted them as skin/leather.

Libyan Javelinmen
Carthaginian Camp
My camp has some mule carts, a Numidian herdsman with spare mounts and some tents.

Carthaginian Camp